Thursday, June 19, 2008

Happy Birthday=D

Here's wishing our very own SC President a very very happy 17th Birthday!

Here's today's Garfield comic celebrating his own birthday!

We ain't overlapping - posted by Kenneth at 6:52 pm


Monday, June 09, 2008

Class Outting Notice =D

Hey all, I'm just putting Kim's email up here as some of you somehow, may read the class blog and not your emails (no sense?)

Hi all,
It has finally come to a point when our big, fat, obese class outing commences. Wow Wow !!! (OK, this may be a bit too much)

First, thanks for all of your cooperation for making this whole thing possible. Very special thank to Perry and his parents for volunteering to host this class bbq.
Well, despite of busy schedule, we have managed to finalize the day when we could all gather, celebrate our friendship, to ressolve our conflicts.
That day and time is (take it down): June 28th 2008, 6-10 pm (I said previously 6-9pm to all, but well it is just an estimate).

For those who has confirmed your presence, please turn up on time. You may want to join us in the cooking which is very FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN !!!!!!

Side matters: the budget that we intend to spend for this is around 200. As this is an joint effort from everyone, please contribute to manage the cost of this whole thing. For there are already 20 people who confirmed their presence, please bring 10 dollars each person on the school reopening and report to the King (cum class welfare rep). Any extras after paying for the event will be returned to each individual accordingly or put inside the class fund to save for our other events. We shall discuss with the class if we can subsidize for the teachers (My bad vocab, I cant find any other words for "subsidize").

If any one has any special request about the food, please contact Perry individually and keep him updated.

"A candle can not light up the night". Let's make this event be meaningful, memorable one so that well 20, 30 years down the road we still could recall how wonderful we are as classmates (My cliche, sorry). Let's all do it, commit to it seriously.
Wish you all have a WELL-DESERVED holiday.


We ain't overlapping - posted by Kenneth at 1:16 am


Class Outting Notice =D

Hey all, I'm just putting Kim's email up here as some of you somehow, may read the class blog and not your emails (no sense?)

Hi all,
It has finally come to a point when our big, fat, obese class outing commenced. Wow Wow !!! (OK, this may be a bit too much)

First, thanks for all of your cooperation for making this whole thing possible. Very special thank to Perry and his parents for volunteering to host this class bbq.
Well, despite of busy schedule, we have managed to finalize the day when we could all gather, celebrate our friendship, to ressolve our conflicts.
That day and time is (take it down): June 28th 2008, 6-10 pm (I said previously 6-9pm to all, but well it is just an estimate).

For those who has confirmed your presence, please turn up on time. You may want to join us in the cooking which is very FFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUNNNNNNNN !!!!!!

Side matters: the budget that we intend to spend for this is around 200. As this is an joint effort from everyone, please contribute to manage the cost of this whole thing. For there are already 20 people who confirmed their presence, please bring 10 dollars each person on the school reopening and report to the King (cum class welfare rep). Any extras after paying for the event will be returned to each individual accordingly or put inside the class fund to save for our other events. We shall discuss with the class if we can subsidy for the teachers (My bad vocab, I cant find any other words for "subsidy").

If any one has any special request about the food, please contact Perry individually and keep him updated.

"A candle can not light up the night". Let's make this event be meaningful, memorable one so that well 20, 30 years down the road we still could recall how wonderful we are as classmates (My cliche, sorry). Let's all do it, commit to it seriously.
Wish you all have a WELL-DESERVED holiday.


We ain't overlapping - posted by Kenneth at 1:16 am
